Jeded Identity Service provides a Open ID Connect service that manage user registration, login, and access management for internal and external API's. It is running the acclaimed Identity Management system Identity Server.

A Micro-Service Solution

The identity service solution is really a micro-service solution. Its independent of your current software and integrates remotely via the browser and server-to-server connections all on the secured HTTPS protocol.

Are you in the need of securing your API Service and controlling who can access it!?

Get in touch!

Features & Technology

Application Programming Interface (API)

A recent notion of API-first development has taken a foothold when building software solutions. Eventually you will need to give access to other vendors in the ecosystem so why not start with an API from the get-go. In addition, with the advent of a micro-service approach to software development, an API is essential to accommodate all points of integration.


Use the identity service for user registration and login via external providers such as Google Twitter, and Facebook. All you need to do is register at each provider and input your appkey for each. Data sync of user profile is automated.

Militarygrade security

OAuth (OAuth 2 Spec) is the current standard for authorized API access which we use extensively.

Everything is run on SSL with military-grade encrypted of 256 bit.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!


Copenhagen Denmark